New Home, New Chapter :: Connecticut Artist and Photographer

Connecticut Artist and Photographer Shannon Sorensen, New England Artist, Boston Artist, Hartford CT Artist

I'm typing this from my new dining room...because we moved!

There are boxes and bags and piles of stuff everywhere. There's art that needs to be hung, and honestly, a lot of things are going to go straight into storage for now.

This is the first really peaceful morning I've had in a while to sit down and focus on my own work.

A couple short weeks ago, I had just finished prepping our basement as a preschool/playroom/home learning space when we got a call that our landlord was planning to sell our condo. It felt like our world got completely turned upside-down, but thankfully, we found a new place very quickly! The Universe did us a huge favor and we were able to stay in the same complex, the same school district - actually, the only address change is our street number!

In the grand scheme of things, I feel very lucky. We have an amazing support system of family and friends, and we are safe and healthy.

When big changes happen, it puts a lot into perspective. This move meant taking a lot of emotion out of the equation in order to let go of some things we had stored away for a later time. It was stressful in the short term, but in the long run, this will be a great place for us and the kids. They’ll have space to run around safely outside and our new place will serve us better during this time of home learning, working at home, home pre-schooling, etc.

Since I essentially hit pause on my work a month ago to deal with all of this, I'm itching to get back to my work - to paint, and to dig into the fall photo season. I am still booking fall family photo sessions! I will be in Massachusetts this coming weekend, the 26th and 27th and have two morning openings. I will also be in Massachusetts October 10th and 11th with morning sessions available!

If you're looking to book a session, simply hit reply to this email, or message me at I can't wait to hear from you! The chilly weather this weekend has me ready for boots and sweaters! :)

Have a beautiful week!

Supporting Working Artists and Why I've Joined Patreon

Over the past eight weeks, I have been thinking and planning on how to move forward as an artist, especially at this time where we need to be staying home, and being careful about keeping a distance from others. With all non-essential businesses closed, the photography community has been rocked, and many artists, myself included, have been working hard to figure out if this is a time to wait and see, or make some changes. We can’t shoot weddings. We can’t photograph newborns in the clients’ home.

Holding You Close_Acrylic on Canvas for Printing_Shannon Sorensen_5x7.jpg

If you’ve followed my journey over the past 10 years, you know that in addition to photography, I have done a lot of graphic design work, painting, furniture refinishing, Etsy shops with t-shirts and art prints and crocheted items, and most recently, the launch of my podcast, Creative, Happy Life.

This time spent at home has forced me to think more immediately of what’s next, for myself and my family. I have relied on my photography for the past five years while working from home with young kids, and that income has now been eliminated. So many people are faced with uncertainty right now. I have had a hard few weeks grappling the idea of not knowing when I can get back to work as a photographer, and how the state of the world will affect the way we work going forward. Pair that with now having the uncertainty of schooling at home, and plans have not only changed, but priorities have also changed.

If I had a nickel for every “PIVOT!” joke or reference I’ve seen in the past two months…

The reality is, whether I can photograph clients again sooner or several more weeks from now, I need to find ways to use the skills and knowledge I have now to support my family while working at home.

I have decided to use this time to focus on three areas of creative work:

How do I plan to make this work? With Patreon!

Patreon is a platform for creatives to create exclusive content for their biggest fans. The creator decides what kind of content to make and provide, which can be anything from updates behind the scenes, exclusive writing and blog posts, a special look at works-in-progress, private communities to connect, make tutorials, host livestreams - there are a lot of possibilities!

This content is made available by paying for various tiers of access - becoming a patron of the artist.

How it works: You decide to be come a member, and make monthly payments to view and access the various tiered rewards.

I am currently only offering one tier, although some creators offer several at different monetary levels.

Official Patron - $5/month

  • Official patron status and access to the patron-only feed

  • Behind-the-scenes shares (intentionally different and more interesting than Instagram stories)

  • Work-in-progress updates on everything from paintings and illustrations to upcoming podcast episodes and writing excerpts

  • Private Facebook Community for live chats, Q&As and tutorial videos.

  • My unending gratitude

Why am I so excited about this?

At the core, Patreon is a way for me to connect and share more closely about my work and life as an artist.

With Patreon, fans choose to invest in a creator who’s work they already enjoy and want to support more closely. Artists and creators put out massive amounts of free content all the time, from blog posts to art, podcast episodes to entertainment. Chances are, you’ve enjoyed more free content than you’ve ever realized, whether it’s inspiring, educational, entertaining, or all of those things.

So why not keep putting content out for free? This is work! I love what I do, but I still have bills to pay and a family to support. You pay for the things you love; streaming services, clothes, subscriptions to publications, monthly or seasonal boxes of beauty products or art kits or craft beer…The list goes on. Public radio asks for your support. Restaurants and bookstores are asking for your support. We want to continue to provide you with the things you love, which we love to make.

As an artist, I hope to not only make art and content for you to enjoy, but also make a real living, and ask you to think of this as an investment in not only what you’ve enjoyed so far from me, but what’s to come! It’s an investment in me, for which I am grateful, and humbly step out of my comfort zone in order to ask for your support.

it is more important than ever to support working artists.

By becoming a patron, you contribute towards my ability to produce podcast episodes more frequently, to make more art for you to enjoy, and to have an insider perspective on my process, from ideation to final creation. As I start the process of writing a book and seeking publication, you’ll get a unique perspective as I share the process with you as a patron.


I am excited to use my patron-only platform to create tutorial videos, and answer questions about art, photography, podcasting, and life as a working artist.

If you are looking for a meaningful way to support an artist or small business at a crucial time in the world, this is an easy way to do it, and it costs about the same as one fancy cup of coffee from a place that’s happy to take your “bucks”!

So how does it work?

You sign up, pay the monthly fee, and when I share content, it gets shared to you through email, through the Patreon site, and in the private Facebook group. You will pay when you sign up, and will be charged the monthly subscription fee on the first of the month going forward. Once you’re in, you’ll get a link to join the private Facebook community!

What can you look forward to as a patron?

Behind the scenes snapshots and updates about what I’m working on, and exclusive posts about life as a creative that I hope will inspire you to explore your own creativity.

I will be doing monthly live chats in the Facebook group where I’ll share more in depth updates about my projects, show you art that I’m working on, livestream while I paint, edit photos, and maybe even some podcast recording. Eek!

Live “ask me anything” video sessions where you can ask me literally anything! From life as a working artist to my favorite snacks and what I’m watching and enjoying for entertainment, I’m an open book for you within the Facebook community.

Tutorials and tips for shooting your own photos on dSLR or on your phone, how to take better photos of your kids, pets, travel, business and products, how to take better selfies, how to capture a day in the life, how to do a basic photo edit on your phone using free apps, and how to create your own presets.

A Facebook community for creative learning, support and interaction, and to get more regular direct interaction with me.

I hope you will consider becoming an official patron of my work! The sooner you join, the sooner you get to start seeing more from me!

Thank you for your consideration, friends!

What is Personal Branding Photography?

“What is personal branding?”

You’ve probably heard “personal branding” popping up more and more in conversations among small businesses and entrepreneurs. Or maybe this is the first time you’re hearing about it! Either way, I am here to help you learn and understand what it’s all about in relation to photography.

Personal branding photography, or “PBP” as we call it in the photography world, has always been around as a style of branding and marketing, but it is certainly gaining popularity in the world of small business and online marketing! In short, it is photography that tell your story, that you use to market and grow your business.

“But isn’t it just headshots and lifestyle portraits?”

It’s actually so much more!

Personal branding photography is about storytelling and creating connection with your clients and audience. By creating images that showcase not only what you look like, but who you are, infused with personality, action and purpose, you can easily and professionally tell your story. The images give your audience an intimate look at the life, the work, and the person behind the business. Paired with copywriting that is specific to your brand voice, you engage your audience to not only pay attention, but to care about you, and want to support your business as it grows!

And personal branding photography is not just about photos of you. A solid PBP collection will include a variety of marketing images for you to use. To get the most bang for your buck, you should work with a photographer who gets to know your business’ needs AND knows how to shoot this variety of images.

Here’s an example of a set of images for a 2-hour personal brand session. Kyndra’s Kitchen is an at-home prepared food service based in Kingston, Massachusetts. Kyndra often collaborates with her husband on meal preparation. She wanted to photograph several pieces of her business:

  • her kitchen where she cooks

  • what a typical day looks like while she works on order processing and meal planning

  • what deliveries and her branded bags look like

  • cooking together and sharing a meal with her husband to show one of the many benefits of her service

  • her family, including their doodle, Nixon

  • and behind the scenes of cooking, photographing and packaging her meals

Depending on your business needs and time of year, a personal branding session might include:

  • WHO ARE YOU - The face and the heart behind your business, images of you at work, at home, with your family, working on location or at your office, studio or shop, giving both a bigger picture and distinct branded details of what your life looks like as a business owner, and why you are passionate about what you do.

  • WHERE DO YOU WORK - people love to see where you spend your days and how you get work done. Whether it’s a studio, a shop, an office, a coworking space, or a desk tucked in the back corner of your closet (a “cloffice”), you are further painting the picture of how and where you spend your days. People want to see your stuff. Trust me.

  • WHO DO YOU WORK WITH - Do you have a support team or partner? Do you work solo at home? Are your kids running circles around you while you write your blog? Does your partner or best friend help you out? Who are the people you most closely surround yourself with? They are part of your story.

  • WHO DO YOU SERVE - The most important part of branding is not to speak to everyone, but to speak to your audience. Create a clear picture of who you serve by showing them in your images, working with clients, greeting customers, gathering at networking events and meetups, and addressing your audience directly through your writing.

  • HOW DO YOU SERVE - Do you create a product or provide a service? Take your audience through the process with you. Show the steps you take in brainstorming, organizing ideas, sketching, designing, editing, and making. How do you package your product? How do you choose your packaging to make it special and your own? How do you make your customers feel special and well taken care of? The same goes for providing a service. How do you make your clients feel and what are you helping them achieve or accomplish?

  • WHAT DO YOU LOOK LIKE IN ACTION - This ties into other points above. What does a typical workday look like for you? Where do you make or build? What do you wear? Do you mostly work in the same space or do you work on location? Take note of all the various things you do to run your business, and what that looks like to your audience if you were to zoom out a bit. If you had an audience watching you, what would they see?

  • TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT - What do you use daily to run your business? Is your work mostly on your phone or laptop? Do you work with power tools or photo equipment? What do you use to organize your business, like a planner or calendar system? Do you work at a gym or studio? What physical elements do you need to get work done? And which ones are your favorites?

  • STYLED/DISPLAYED PRODUCTS - If you are a product based business, you want to show what you make! This can be done several ways. You may be a home-based maker and style your photos for your Etsy shop or e-commerce site. You may run a brick and mortar shop and have displays and styled areas that showcase the product and environment.

  • ROUTINES AND RITUALS - Consider sharing your morning or evening rituals. How you prepare for the day ahead, or unwind when the workday is over. What are some things that are important to you to stay grounded and happy? Some ideas may be journaling, prayer or meditation, working out, preparing a meal or coffee, skin or body care routine, favorite books or music you’re currently enjoying.

  • A GLIMPSE AT FAMILY OR HOME LIFE - You get to choose what elements of your life you share as part of your personal brand story. You might include occasional family updates, a glimpse at your home, where you rest or have your routines and rituals, a favorite space in your home or recent project. Find ways to tie these little pieces in as it relates to your brand. Maybe your lifestyle is part of your brand: where or what you eat, travel, hobbies or activities.

  • SEASONAL UPDATES - Even if you don’t live somewhere that experiences distinct seasons throughout the year, there are changes and holidays that occur that may affect your story. And not just nature, but seasons of your life may change, with a move, a promotion or recognition, or life event such as marriage, pregnancy, stages of parenthood, friendships, loss, and personal growth.

  • PRODUCT OR SERVICE LAUNCHES - A whole session may be dedicated to capturing a new product, service, course, podcast, book. So many possibilities!

  • BUSINESS GATHERINGS OR EVENTS - Networking events, conventions, retreats, meetups, coffee with a friend, coworking, launch event, book tours, celebrations, seasonal markets, holiday events. Again, lots of possibilities to share important happenings with you and your business throughout the year! You can look at the year ahead and what you already have scheduled, or book a la carte coverage as these events come up.

So, as you can see, there is a lot to personal branding photography. It’s not just a couple pretty pictures of yourself. It’s showing an in depth picture of your business in whatever way that you want to share it.

Another important thing to consider is growing a close relationship with your branding photographer, so they can help you maximize your sessions and create the best assortment of personal branding images for you to choose from. As you work together over time, they will be more and more in tune to what you need for your specific business!

What questions do you have about personal branding photography? Have you had a PBP session yet? Do you know how to find a PBP photographer who is local to you?

Shannon Sorensen is a Connecticut-based small business and branding photographer. Personal branding photography for small business and entrepreneurs focuses on showing the heart behind the business, compelling stories to help your audience get to know you and your business better, and turn fans into paying clients! Learn more about personal and business branding photography.

Book your branding session with Shannon!

Related blog posts: Twelve Months of Personal Branding Photoshoot Ideas to Grow Your Business, The What Why and How of Personal Branding