Moonday Guidance :: Sacred Creators Oracle Card Reading

I recently purchased Chris-Anne’s Sacred Creator Oracle card deck to use as a tool from which to draw creative guidance and wisdom, and to practice quieting my brain and listening to my intuition. I love the design and art on the cards, and the simple messages that allow space for reflection and inspiration.

As part of my creative practice, I hope to share a weekly card reading here. I’m a beginner, so I invite you to grow on this journey with me! Let me know in the comments if any of this helped or resonated with you.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and ask the Universe what message or guidance you may need today.

Shannon Sorensen Creative Studio_Sacred Creators Oracle Card Reading_Oct 4.jpg

I decided to pull two cards, because you never know, sometimes one message doesn’t resonate with me. Today, however, the cards worked in tandem to deliver a power-packed message.

First, what does your soul say? This card is about turning inward and listening to your deepest wants, needs and desires. It’s about focusing on yourself, which is not easy! You’re encouraged to resist any feelings of guilt in this self care practice. You do so much for others. Consider this your signal to pursue what is written on your heart. This is encouraging not just reflection, but action. Your soul already knows what you want. Are you willing to listen?

I hope so, because YOU ARE EPIC. The message is right there. You know it. I know it. The Universe knows it. You are not just next level - you have incredible gifts. No one has your heart, your voice, or your spirit. All these dynamic pieces combine to make YOU - this incredible, epic being. The Sun doesn’t doubt it’s brightness, it’s warmth, or it’s power. It simply shines - every single day. And we reaps the benefits of standing in the presence of that power.

Rise up and SHINE, friend. The light, warmth, and power you emit by embodying your gifts will elevate those who need your energy.

Shannon Sorensen is a Connecticut-based artist, writer and creatrix who shares wisdom, guidance, insight and inspiration for infusing more creative living into each day. She hosts the Creative, Happy Life Podcast, her Creative Living Youtube channel, and hopes her work inspires others to explore their creativity and do more of what they enjoy as part of a creative lifestyle.

Creativity Pep Talk :: Slow Down, Breathe and Beauty in Simplicity

This week’s Creativity Pep Talks episode starts with some breathing! How often do you take time to stop everything you’re doing and breathe? It feels so good, and I am practicing taking time in my day, more than just once or twice, so breathe deeply, stretch and move my body, and tune into how I’m feeling.

Life moves so fast, and by slowing down and choosing to be more mindful, I am able to connect more deeply to myself, my family, and my creative work!

This week’s Art Oracle card draw was Charles and Ray Eames! They were the creative masters of design and architecture. I love using these cards as a playful way to bring some wisdom, encouragement and inspiration into the week, but also to take some time each week learning about artists I may not be as familiar with.

Highlights of this week’s pep talk include:

  • Allowing slowness and quiet into our days and our work

  • Lead your day with how you want to feel instead of what you have to do

  • Infusing more function and practical simplicity into our days while still making it beautiful?

  • Learning to compromise and choosing to be flexible in life

Enjoy this week’s pep talk, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Creativity Pep Talks :: A New Weekly YouTube Series

Creativity Pep Talks, Weekly Wisdom and Guidance for Creatives, Shannon Sorensen, Connecticut artist, Youtube Series

Hey there, creative friends! Happy Monday to you! It’s snowing (again) here in Connecticut, and I am over it! I thought it would be rainy today, and I was so pumped for the snow to melt.

But alas…more snow.

[insert sad trombone noise]

I’m not totally crushed, though, because I have exciting news to share…

I launched a YouTube channel!

That’s right! My senior yearbook was right when they did a spread of “Where will they be in 20 years?” and mine was starring in her own sitcom.

Maybe it’s a bit more legwork being a one-woman show, but I am incredibly happy to be sharing my journey in this new format.

Creative Living with Shannon Sorensen offers a glimpse into my life as a full time working artist (and working at home…and working at home with kids), offer creativity pep talks for exploring your creativity and doing more of what you love and enjoy, and inspiration!

You’ll get to watch me work on paintings and drawing coloring pages, with my insights into the work, the process, what inspires each piece, and some little technical details.

I will sit down for a weekly series called “Creativity Pep Talks”, offering wisdom, guidance and encouragement to get your week started.

And I want to share behind the scenes, places I love that inspire me, little Q&As, tutorials, and whatever else this channel might become!

Here’s my first creativity pep talk episode - I am using Art Oracle cards to draw wisdom and guidance from great artists - their work, their struggles, their lives - to translate into some present day encouragement and inspiration.

Don’t forget to subscribe, and let me know in the Youtube comments what you think!