January Recap :: New Art and Paint With Me on YouTube

Why does January always feel like it stretches out forever? I know it’s not everyone’s favorite month, but I do always look forward to this time of year. I enjoy settling into a more quiet rhythm of life. It feels like a non-stop marathon of THINGS TO DO between the start of school in early September through the flurry of the holidays. Time stretches out a bit wider and further in front of us through January. It might make you feel a bit restless. I invite you to settle into it.

Find Your Sacred Flow

I love that this is the card I pulled today. Finding your sacred flow can mean a lot of things . For me, it means finding my pace of creating art, my pace of living, and honoring it. My sacred flow is slower than it used to be. It’s more flexible and lighthearted. It’s more playful. It’s allowing the creativity to flow through me, through art, through my words, and trusting that I don’t have to know where I’m going at all times.

This means…

Trusting my intuition.

Growing more comfortable with saying no.

Committing to my art and making time to play, explore and evolve.

Enjoying being myself, as I am in any moment, be it serious, silly, thoughtful, sad, curious, introverted, extroverted, energetic, sleepy…

I’m done with fighting against the current of my soul. I am moving with it, embodying my whole self, and enjoying the ride.

January Recap

For a slower month, January was full of good things. It started with prepping and hanging 12 pieces of art at Balance Massage and Wellness Center here in Newington, CT. My art will be on display there through the end of March 2022.

Click through to see the virtual gallery:

I made four new pieces of art that I am in love with for many different reasons. I painted my first big painting, which is 24”x36”. I made a new digital artwork for the first time since last June. Then I painted two smaller pieces, two days in a row. Each piece woke up something new and exciting in me. I am finding my style and voice as an artist, which is an incredible feeling.

Click on each image to pop out and see bigger:

I hit record last week on my 4th painting, and got a new process video up on YouTube! I was hoping to do this with my big painting, but I wasn’t well prepared for how long the painting would take and how to capture that scale of a project. So I’m taking baby steps back into the painting video world, instead of biting off more than I can chew at this point. I hope you give it a watch, subscribe, and hit the thumbs up! I plan to do these at least every other week going forward.

In addition to all of that, I am planning on a shop update later this week, as I have about 16 new pairs of painted earrings almost ready to go! So keep an eye out for the date and time, which I’ll share across my social feeds, and get ready to shop some wildly funky new pieces!

Thanks for catching up with me here! Wherever you are, I hope you have a beautiful week!

Shannon Sorensen is a self-taught contemporary abstract expressionist painter based in Newington, Connecticut, specializing in vibrant artwork that evokes feelings of places you have seen in person or in dreams, inspired by music, poetry, memories and meditations. Fine art prints of select works are available through her art store, and shop other printed home goods and accessories at Pixels.com.

Follow more of Shannon’s day to day creative living on Instagram.

Check out painting and creative living videos on Youtube.

Moonday Guidance :: Sacred Creators Oracle Card Reading

I recently purchased Chris-Anne’s Sacred Creator Oracle card deck to use as a tool from which to draw creative guidance and wisdom, and to practice quieting my brain and listening to my intuition. I love the design and art on the cards, and the simple messages that allow space for reflection and inspiration.

As part of my creative practice, I hope to share a weekly card reading here. I’m a beginner, so I invite you to grow on this journey with me! Let me know in the comments if any of this helped or resonated with you.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and ask the Universe what message or guidance you may need today.

Shannon Sorensen Creative Studio_Sacred Creators Oracle Card Reading_Oct 4.jpg

I decided to pull two cards, because you never know, sometimes one message doesn’t resonate with me. Today, however, the cards worked in tandem to deliver a power-packed message.

First, what does your soul say? This card is about turning inward and listening to your deepest wants, needs and desires. It’s about focusing on yourself, which is not easy! You’re encouraged to resist any feelings of guilt in this self care practice. You do so much for others. Consider this your signal to pursue what is written on your heart. This is encouraging not just reflection, but action. Your soul already knows what you want. Are you willing to listen?

I hope so, because YOU ARE EPIC. The message is right there. You know it. I know it. The Universe knows it. You are not just next level - you have incredible gifts. No one has your heart, your voice, or your spirit. All these dynamic pieces combine to make YOU - this incredible, epic being. The Sun doesn’t doubt it’s brightness, it’s warmth, or it’s power. It simply shines - every single day. And we reaps the benefits of standing in the presence of that power.

Rise up and SHINE, friend. The light, warmth, and power you emit by embodying your gifts will elevate those who need your energy.

Shannon Sorensen is a Connecticut-based artist, writer and creatrix who shares wisdom, guidance, insight and inspiration for infusing more creative living into each day. She hosts the Creative, Happy Life Podcast, her Creative Living Youtube channel, and hopes her work inspires others to explore their creativity and do more of what they enjoy as part of a creative lifestyle.